Transform Data

Unity's Transform objects are not serializable by default, meaning they cannot be directly saved and loaded. However, Tarsave provides a solution for saving and loading Transform data through a custom TransformData class. This class stores the position, rotation, and scale of a Transform, making it compatible with Tarsave's save and load operations.

Saving Transform Data: When saving Transform data, a TransformData instance is created for each Transform. This instance is then saved using Tarsave's Save method.

public void Save()
    TransformData transformData = new TransformData(_transform);
    bool result = _dataPersistenceService.Save("Key", transformData);

Loading Transform Data: When loading, the previously saved TransformData instance is retrieved and applied to the relevant Transform object using the ApplyTransform method.

public void Load()
    TransformData transformData = _dataPersistenceService.Load<TransformData>("Key");

The TransformData class is specifically designed to store the position, rotation, and scale of a Transform. It also provides the ApplyTransform method to apply the stored data back to a Transform when loading.

This approach allows you to easily manage and persist Transform data in Unity, overcoming the limitations of Unity's default serialization system.

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