It is used to instantiate objects derived from MonoBehaviour. When inheriting this class, the objects and parameters to be created must be defined as types.
Sample uses:
public class Installer : GameObjectInstaller
public override void Install(DIContainer container)
public class SampleClass : MonoInjecter
private readonly FooItem.Factory _fooItemFactory;
private FooItem _fooItemPrefab;
protected override void Awake()
FooItem fooItem = _fooItemFactory.Create(_fooItemPrefab, "Sample string");
public class FooItem : MonoBehaviour, IFactorable<string>
private readonly Foo _foo;
public void InitializeFactory(string variable)
Debug.Log($"{_foo.index}: String variable is: {variable}");
public class Factory : SeparatedGameObjectFactory<FooItem, string> { }